Best Practice

Best Practice

We do not know whether, in 1690, Milanese financier Giorgio II had imagined that he would write history when he constructed the Villa Carlotta on Lake Como.

But back then as well as now, it is possible to identify unique and extraordinary selling points in terms of location, architecture and the surrounding park.

Basic requirements for inclusion as a best practice example:

  • Does the project have the potential to fundamentally carry over pre-digital achievements, such as for example anonymity, to the digital transformation or even in the sense of a democratic society in order to further develop it?
  • Has a high degree of decentralisation been reached?
  • Does the decentralised approach correspond, where necessary, to standards in order to network globally?
  • Is the project analysis valid? Were as many as possible available aspects taken into account?
  • Is there a short understandable project presentation in German and English?

Project Suggestions:

Do you know of a project which meets these requirements?

By all means, contact us. We will check each proposal. If the project has convinced us, we will add it to our list.

Best Practice Projects: